Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
100 Years of Photography: Images, History and Impact 1839-1939 AHS2008 Module
1968: The Year of Revolt HST2080 Module
A Dream Deferred: Class In American Literature ENL3072 Module
A Tale Of Two Cities In Medieval Spain: From Toledo To Cordoba HST3072 Module
A World History Of Art And Architecture 1: From Antiquity To The Revivals AHS1004 Module
A World History Of Art And Architecture 2: Tradition, Change And Modernity AHS1005 Module
Academic Skills For Philosophy PHL1010 Module
Accessing Ordinary Lives: Interpreting And Understanding Voices From The Past, 1880 - Present HST2052 Module
Adaptation: Generic Transformation ENL3099 Module
Advanced Guided Study ENL3008 Module
Advanced Latin I: Prose Author CLS3004 Module
Advanced Latin II: Verse Author CLS3006 Module
Aesthetics PHL2002 Module
After The End: Reading The Apocalypse ENL2027 Module
Air War And Society From Zeppelins To Drones HST3084 Module
Alexander the Great and his legacy: The Hellenistic World CLS2009 Module
Alexander The Great And His Legacy: The Hellenistic World (Third Year) CLS3025 Module
American Detective Fiction and Film: 1930 to the Present Day ENL3081 Module
American Dreams, American Nightmares: The Fiction of American History, 1850-1906 HST3054 Module
American Literature and the Road ENL9053 Module
American Literature from the Revolution to the Present Day ENL3012 Module
American Literature I ENL2024 Module
American Literature II ENL2025 Module
American Studies Independent Study AME3022 Module
Anarchy is Order HST3055 Module
Ancient Graffiti CLS3011 Module
Ancient Philosophy PHL3013 Module
Animal Ethics PHL2009 Module
Applied Practical Conservation 2 CON2050 Module
Applied Practical Conservation 3.1 CON3055 Module
Applied Practical Conservation 3.2 CON3056 Module
Applied Practical Skills CON3061 Module
Applied Practical Skills CON1014 Module
Applied Preventive Conservation CON3059 Module
Apprenticeship Collections Management and Care CON9060 Module
Apprenticeship Conservation Skills in Context CON9061 Module
Apprenticeship Investigative Techniques in Conservation CON9062 Module
Apprenticeship Material Culture, Conservation and Significance CON9063 Module
Apprenticeship Research Project CON9064 Module
Arabia in Antiquity: Religion, Culture, and Warfare from the Bronze Age to the Umayyads HST2039 Module
Arabia in Antiquity: Religion, Culture, and Warfare from the Bronze Age to the Umayyads CLS3031 Module
Archaeological Methods, Techniques, Theory and Interpretation ACH9002 Module
Archaeological Placement, Policy and Practice in the UK ACH9003 Module
Archaic And Classical Greece CLS1001 Module
Archaic And Republican Rome CLS1005 Module
Art And Power: Projecting Authority In The Renaissance World AHS2007 Module
Art History and History Independent Study AHS3003 Module
Art History and History Independent Study Part I AHS3008 Module
Arthur and His Court ENL2043 Module
Becoming A Professional CON1015 Module
Being Black in 20th century Britain HST2093 Module
Break Ranks! Antimilitarism, Pacifism and Resistance to War HST9027 Module
British Medieval Literature ENL2044 Module
British Youth Culture 1950-1980 HST3048 Module
Britons And Romans, 100 BC-AD 450 CLS2019 Module
Britons And Romans, 100 BC-AD 450 (third Year) CLS3023 Module
Broadcasting in America AME2021 Module
Caribbean Un/freedoms: 17th to 20th centuries HST3106 Module
Chairman Mao And Twentieth-Century China HST1041 Module
Children's Literature ENL2057 Module
China and the United States AME3023 Module
Chivalry in Medieval Europe HST3063 Module
Class, Power and Performance on Stage and Screen ENL2029 Module
Classic And Contemporary Fantasy ENL2064 Module
Classical Art And Archaeology: From Knossos To Constantinople CLS1007 Module
Classical Commentary II CLS3007 Module
Classical Experiences CLS3021 Module
Classical Literature: from Homer to Tacitus CLS1014 Module
Classical Literature: From Troy To The Silver Age CLS1011 Module
Classical Literature: From Troy To The Silver Age CLS1009 Module
Classical Reception: from Medieval to Modern CLS2022 Module
Classics in Context I CLS2003 Module
Classics in Practice CLS2012 Module
Clio's Children: Walking Along The Path Of Greek Historiography CLS3020 Module
Collections Management and Care CON9011 Module
Colonial And Post-Colonial Literatures ENL2036 Module
Conservation Exhibition CON3057 Module
Conservation Independent Study: Dissertation CON3058 Module
Conservation Placement CON2052 Module
Conservation placement (part time) CON2061 Module
Conservation Practice CON9055 Module
Conservation Practice and Sharing Knowledge CON9056 Module
Conservation Processes CON3062 Module
Conservation Processes 1 CON9065 Module
Conservation Processes 1 CON1016 Module
Conservation Processes 2 CON9066 Module
Conservation Science CON9067 Module
Conservation Science CON3063 Module
Conservation Science 1 CON1018 Module
Conservation Science 2: Analytical Techniques CON2053 Module
Conservation Skills in Context CON9057 Module
Conservation Theory CON1021 Module
Conservation Theory CON9068 Module
Conservation Theory CON3064 Module
Consuming Societies: Western Europe 1600-1800 HST3065 Module
Contemporary American Fiction ENL9004 Module
Contemporary Approaches to Literature ENL9018 Module
Contemporary Drama ENL3004 Module
Contemporary Fiction and Film ENL3013 Module
Contemporary Problems in Philosophy PHL3002 Module
Cosmos and Chronology HST9023 Module
Counter Cultures of the 1960s HST2041 Module
Critical Thinking And Writing HST1033 Module
Critical Thinking And Writing: Classical Studies Stream CLS1012 Module
Cross-Cultural Representations ENL3066 Module
Curatorial Practice AHS3006 Module
Decolonising The Past HST2089 Module
Destroying Art: Iconoclasm through History HST2060 Module
Digital Heritage CON2054 Module
Discovering global interconnectedness: approaches to transnational modern history HST1043 Module
Disease, Health, and the Body in Early Modern Europe HST2044 Module
Dislocations: The Literature of Late Capitalism ENL2023 Module
Dissertation (MA History) HST9013 Module
Dissertation - English Studies ENL9011 Module
Dissertations and Beyond HST2020 Module
Dissertations and Beyond (American Studies) AME2022 Module
Documentation Techniques CON9069 Module
Documentation Techniques CON3065 Module
Documentation Techniques CON1019 Module
Drama Theatre Performance ENL1015 Module
Early Modern Cultural and Artistic Encounters: Hybridity and Globalisation HST3074 Module
Early Modern Family: Households in England HST2038 Module
Early Modern Manhood HST9028 Module
Early To Mid Victorian Literature ENL1065 Module
Early Victorian Literature: Rebellion and Reform ENL1012 Module
Education and the State in Twentieth Century England HST3050 Module
Eighteenth-Century Literature In Public And Private ENL3015 Module
Elementary Greek I CLS2014 Module
Elementary Greek I (Third Year) CLS3016 Module
Elementary Greek II CLS2007 Module
Elementary Greek II (Third Year) CLS3017 Module
Elementary Latin I CLS1004 Module
Elementary Latin II CLS1008 Module
Elementary Latin II (Second Year) CLS2018 Module
Elementary Latin II (Third Year) CLS3013 Module
Elementary Medieval Latin HST9058 Module
Empires: Power and Resistance HST1037 Module
English Landscape Painting: A Social and Cultural History AHS3005 Module
Ethics and The Meaning of Life PHL3010 Module
Eugenics, Race and Reproduction across the Atlantic, 1800-1945 HST3095 Module
Everyday Britain: MACE (The Media Archive for Central England) and the Historian HST9062 Module
Exhibiting the World in the Nineteenth Century HST3066 Module
Existentialism and Phenomenology PHL2006 Module
Experiencing and Remembering Civil War in Britain HST2066 Module
Experimental Writing ENL2066 Module
Fighting for Peace? Politics, Society and War in the Modern Era HST2086 Module
Forging The Modern State HST1036 Module
Friends and Enemies: Conflict, Coexistence and Cultural Encounters Through History HST1034 Module
From 'Bright Young Things' To Brexit: British Media And Society Since 1919 HST2079 Module
From Bruce Lee to BTS: East Asia and Popular Culture HST2099 Module
From Caesar to Arthur: The Rise and Fall of Roman Britain HST2043 Module
From Easter Monday to Good Friday: Radicalism in Twentieth Century Ireland ENL3014 Module
From King Alfred to the Anarchy: Society, Politics and State-building in England, 871-1153 HST2095 Module
From Revolution to New Republic: The United States 1760-1841 HST3067 Module
Gender and Material Culture in Modern Britain HST9063 Module
Gender and Sexuality in Britain 1700-1950 HST2076 Module
Gender in Nineteenth-Century Britain HST2045 Module
Gender, Sexuality and the Early Modern Body HST3096 Module
Genre and Popular Culture AME3015 Module
Global Medical Humanities ENL3100 Module
God, Evil and the Meaning of Life PHL1007 Module
Gothic In Literature And Film ENL3006 Module
Gothic Spaces ENL9035 Module
Gothic Visions: Stained Glass in Britain c. 1220-1960 AHS3004 Module
Grand Expectations? America during the Cold War HST2042 Module
Great Thinkers in Philosophy from Classical to Modern Times PHL1003 Module
Greek and Roman Drama CLS3001 Module
Growing Up And Growing Old: Youth And Age Across The Nineteenth Century ENL3080 Module
Heroes And Villains: The Reigns Of Richard 'the Lionheart' (d. 1199) And 'Bad' King John (d. 1216) HST3098 Module
Historical Research HST9064 Module
History and Literature in the C18th and C19th HST2077 Module
History at the End of the World HST3064 Module
History Independent Study Part I HST3101 Module
History Of Chinese Medicine: Tradition" And "Modernity"" HST3100 Module
History Of Medicine From Antiquity To The Present HST2088 Module
Hong Kong since 1841: From British colony to Chinese city HST3110 Module
How the West was won: Bishops, barbarians and the transformation of the Roman world, 300-600 HST9080 Module
Identities In The Modern World HST1040 Module
Imperial Cities Of The Early Modern World HST3097 Module
Independent Archaeological Research and Writing ACH9004 Module
Independent Study ENL3043 Module
Independent Study HST3033 Module
Independent Study: Classical Studies CLS3003 Module
Independent Study: Classical Studies Stream 1 CLS3018 Module
Intermediate Greek I: History and Philosophy CLS3008 Module
Intermediate Greek II: Drama and Poetry CLS3009 Module
Intermediate Latin I: Prose CLS2004 Module
Intermediate Latin I: Prose (Third Year) CLS3014 Module
Intermediate Latin II: Verse CLS2008 Module
Intermediate Latin II: Verse (Third Year) CLS3015 Module
Into the Workhouse: Poverty and Society in England and Wales 1780-1929 HST3093 Module
Introduction to American Studies 1 AME1015 Module
Introduction to American Studies 2 AME1016 Module
Introduction to Exhibitions, Curatorship and Curatorial Practices AHS2009 Module
Introduction to Literary Studies ENL1055 Module
Introduction To Moral Philosophy PHL1004 Module
Introduction To Narrative ENL1010 Module
Introduction to Philosophical Logic PHL1002 Module
Introduction To Poetry ENL1009 Module
Introduction To Poetry ENL1016 Module
Introduction To Popular Culture ENL1011 Module
Introduction To Visual And Material Culture HST1038 Module
Investigative Techniques in Heritage CON9058 Module
Ireland: The Politics Of Home Rule HST3026 Module
Irish Writing since 1900 ENL3071 Module
Italy, a Contested Nation HST2032 Module
Language, Logic, and Reality PHL2010 Module
Late Victorian to Edwardian Literature: Decadence, Degeneration and the Long Edwardian Summer ENL1013 Module
Latin Letter-Writing from the Republic to Late Antiquity CLS3012 Module
Latin Literature in the Late Republic and the Augustan Age CLS2010 Module
Life and Labour in Industrial Britain HST2012 Module
Life Writing ENL3032 Module
Literature And The Environment ENL3050 Module
Literature and the Visual, 1770-1870 ENL3095 Module
Literature of the Fin de Siecle ENL2065 Module
Literature, Ecology, and the Post-Human ENL9005 Module
Literature, Film and Gender ENL3005 Module
Literature, Politics and Identity in Inter-War Europe HST9065 Module
Literature, Politics And Identity In Inter-War Europe HST9065M Module
Living And Dying In The Middle Ages, 800-1400 HST2087 Module
Lost in the Funhouse: Experimental American Literary Fiction Since the Sixties ENL3011 Module
Mad Or Bad? Criminal Lunacy In Britain, 1800 -1900 HST3085 Module
Madness And The Asylum In Modern Britain HST2068 Module
Madness, The Body, Literature ENL3069 Module
Making Americans ENL1014 Module
Making It New: An Introduction To Literary Modernism ENL2016 Module
Making Militants: Teaching Violence In Late Antiquity CLS3027 Module
Material Culture, Conservation and Significance CON9059 Module
Material Histories: Objects and Analysis CON2055 Module
Materials, Techniques, Technologies AHS1001 Module
Media, Controversy and Moral Panic HST2069 Module
Medicalised Bodies in Art and Visual Culture, c. 1900 to the Present AHS3009 Module
Medicine, Sexuality and Modernity HST2073 Module
Medieval Iberia: People, Power and Place HST9052 Module
Medieval Lincoln HST9075 Module
Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic HST9084 Module
Medieval Studies Dissertation HST9024 Module
Mediterranean Encounters: 1000-1500 HST9078 Module
Memory Wars: Contested Histories of the United States HST9086 Module
Memory, Belief, And Power In The British Landscape: Late Iron Age To Early Medieval CLS3019 Module
Men, Sex And Work: Sexuality And Gender In 20th Century Britain HST3073 Module
Metaethics PHL3007 Module
Metaphysics PHL2003 Module
Migration in British Art, 1933 to the Present AHS2011 Module
Mind and Reality PHL1005 Module
Minds and Machines PHL2005 Module
Modern Drama (Level 2) ENL2011 Module
Monsters and Violence in Middle English Romance ENL3077 Module
Moral Philosophy PHL2004 Module
Moving Home: Literatures of American Migration ENL3070 Module
Neoclassicism To Cubism: Art In Transition 1750-1914 AHS2010 Module
New Directions In Art History And Historiography AHS2006 Module
New Directions In History HST2001 Module
Newton's Revolution PHL3004 Module
Nietzsche, Nihilism, And The Death Of God PHL3009 Module
Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing ENL3016 Module
Non-Fiction Workshop ENL2050 Module
North by Northwest: Comparative Perspectives on Northern Europe from 750 to 1000 HST9081 Module
O Bella Ciao' Fascism and Anti-fascism in Italy HST3061 Module
Objects Of Empire: The Material Worlds Of British Colonialism HST3086 Module
Palace and Mosque: The Construction of an Imperial Image in the Ottoman Empire. HST3090 Module
People On The Move: Migration, Identity And Mobility In The Modern World HST2081 Module
Philosophical Issues in Biology PHL3003 Module
Philosophical Project PHL3005 Module
Philosophical Texts PHL1008 Module
Philosophy Of Evil PHL3006 Module
Philosophy Of Love, Sex And Perversion PHL3011 Module
Philosophy Of Science PHL2007 Module
Philosophy Through Film PHL1009 Module
Photographing Empire HST9066 Module
Playing fast and loose with history: Repackaging the past in medieval and modern culture HST9054 Module
Politics And Political Culture In Tudor And Stuart Britain, 1485-1714 HST9079 Module
Postcolonialism ENL2022 Module
Postmodernism: Apocalypse and Genesis 1967-2000 ENL3031 Module
Power And The Presidency In The United States HST2082 Module
Powerful Bodies: Saints and Relics during the Middle Ages HST2059 Module
Pre-Raphaelites And Aesthetes: Progressive British Painting (1840-1898) AHS3007 Module
Preventive Conservation CON9070 Module
Preventive Conservation CON2059 Module
Preventive Conservation CON3066 Module
Priests and Parishioners HST9018 Module
Print Culture and the Book in the Nineteenth Century ENL9040 Module
Problems of Historical Interpretation: The English Revolution HST1029 Module
Public and Private Emotions in the Middle Ages HST9082 Module
Queering the Past HST3103 Module
Queering the Past HST2090 Module
Race, media, and screen culture in 20th century Britain HST3089 Module
Radical Cultures 1750-1830 HST2013 Module
Reading The 'Global' ENL2074 Module
Reading the Americas: The Path towards Independent Study AME2027 Module
Reading the Classical World I CLS2016 Module
Reading the Classical World II CLS2017 Module
Reason and Rebellion HST9083 Module
Renaissance Literature ENL2018 Module
Renaissances AHS2004 Module
Representative Americans? AME2023 Module
Representing The Past HST1007 Module
Representing The Past HST1032 Module
Republicanism In Early Modern England, 1500-1700 HST3081 Module
Research Methods HST9017 Module
Research Project (Dissertation for MA Conservation) CON9016 Module
Restoration Literature ENL2021 Module
Robin Hood and the Outlaw Tradition ENL9041 Module
Robin Hood and the Outlaw Tradition ENL9042 Module
Roman Lincoln CLS3010 Module
Romantic Legacies ENL9033 Module
Romanticism: Literature 1780-1830 ENL2063 Module
Rome and Constantinople: Monuments and Memory, 200-1200 CLS3028 Module
Rulers And Kings: Visualising Authority In Medieval Europe HST3076 Module
Russia: Building a Utopia HST2084 Module
Saints and Scholars: History and Hagiography in the Middle Ages HST9055 Module
Salvation and Damnation in medieval and early modern England HST2075 Module
Science Fiction ENL3036 Module
Science, Public Health and Modernity HST2091 Module
Scrambling For Africa? Cultures Of Empire And Resistance In East Africa, 1850-1965 HST2062 Module
Script Workshop ENL2051 Module
Sex and Science in the Western World, 1800 to the present HST9067 Module
Sex, Texts and Politics: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer ENL3078 Module
Sexualities and Gender in Modern Britain and Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present HST3099 Module
Shakespeare I ENL3074 Module
Shakespeare II ENL3075 Module
Single Author Study A ENL3085 Module
Single Author Study B ENL3086 Module
Single Author Study BB ENL3096 Module
Slavery in Late Antiquity HST9087 Module
Southern Accents ENL3009 Module
Study at a partner institution: Conservation CON2060 Module
Study Period Abroad - English ENL2028 Module
Study Period Abroad - English and Drama ENL2030 Module
Study Period Abroad - English and Journalism ENL2031 Module
Study Period Abroad: American Studies AME2025 Module
Study Period Abroad: Classical Studies Stream CLS2013 Module
Study Period Abroad: History HST2048 Module
Teaching History: designing and delivering learning in theory and practice HST2074 Module
Teaching History: designing and delivering learning in theory and practice - level 3 HST3102 Module
Ted and Bill's Excellent Adventures: The Norman Conquest in Context HST2033 Module
Texts In Time: Medieval To Romantic ENL1070 Module
Texts In Time: Victorian To Contemporary ENL1071 Module
The 21st Century American Short Story ENL3097 Module
The Age of Improvement: the Atlantic World in the long eighteenth century HST2070 Module
The Archaeology of Britain from the Stone Age to the Present Day ACH9001 Module
The Armenians: Crafting a Community in Dispersion HST3075 Module
The Birth of the Modern Age? British Politics, 1885-1914 HST2037 Module
The British Image of the United States (1896-Present day) HST9029 Module
The City And The Citizen: Urban Space And The Shaping Of Modern Life, 1850 To Present HST3071 Module
The Classical Tradition: From Medieval To Modern CLS2015 Module
The Creative Process ENL2019 Module
The Dissertation Map: Dissertation Preparation HST9068 Module
The Emperor in the Roman World CLS2020 Module
The Emperor In The Roman World (Third Year) CLS3022 Module
The end of the world as we know it: The chroniclers of barbarian history and the birth of the medieval order HST9056 Module
The Enemy Within: Class Conflict & the Media in Post War Britain HST3068 Module
The European Union since 1945 HST3045 Module
The Forgotten Revolution? The Emergence Of Feudal Europe HST2054 Module
The Global Cold War HST2092 Module
The Historian's Craft HST1035 Module
The History of the Book: Media and Print Culture in Early Modern Europe HST9069 Module
The History of Women's History HST9059 Module
The Internet: A Social and Cultural History HST3108 Module
The Literature of Childhood ENL3010 Module
The Making Of A Tragedy: The United States And The Vietnam War (1945-1975) HST3091 Module
The Making of Contemporary Britain: From Sexual Liberation to Deindustrialisation, 1970-1990 HST9070 Module
The Making Of English Literature: Georgian Literature 1710-1832 ENL3030 Module
The Medieval Mediterranean: Sites and Artefacts – Coexistence and Conflict HST3105 Module
The Medieval World HST1031 Module
The Middle Class In Urban Britain 1780-1900 HST3042 Module
The Nineteenth-Century Novel ENL9054 Module
The Nineteenth-Century Woman Writer ENL9034 Module
The Philosophy and History of Colour PHL3008 Module
The Public Historian HST9071 Module
The Roman City CLS3029 Module
The Roman Countryside CLS3030 Module
The Social History Of Medicine HST1006 Module
The Study of Political History in Britain HST9011 Module
The Tudor and Stuart World: An Introduction to Early Modern History HST1046 Module
The United States From Colonies To Civil War AME1017 Module
The United States from Colonies to Civil War HST1044 Module
The United States since Reconstruction HST1045 Module
The United States Since Reconstruction AME1018 Module
The US Civil Rights Movement HST3107 Module
The US Civil Rights Movement AME3082 Module
The Vikings In The North Atlantic: Living At The Fringes Of Medieval Europe HST3082 Module
The World Of Late Antiquity, 150-750 CLS2021 Module
The World of Late Antiquity, 150-750 (Third Year) CLS3024 Module
The World of the Crusades HST2094 Module
Themes and Issues in Media History HST9072 Module
Themes and Issues in the History of Gender and Sexuality HST9073 Module
Themes in American Cultural History HST2046 Module
Themes in Contemporary British History HST9074 Module
Themes in Early Modern Art AHS3002 Module
Themes in Global History HST9077 Module
Themes in Modern and Contemporary Art AHS2005 Module
Theory Wars ENL2017 Module
Time, Space, and Ontology PHL3012 Module
Topics in Epistemology PHL2008 Module
Twenty-First Century British Fiction ENL3079 Module
Understanding Exhibitions: History on Display HST2085 Module
Understanding Practical Making CON2057 Module
Urban Culture HST1028 Module
Urban Life and Society in the Middle Ages HST2049 Module
Village Detectives: Unearthing New Histories HST2004 Module
Violence and Virgins: Conquests and Reconciliations, c.1066-1167 HST9015 Module
What is Knowledge? PHL1006 Module
What is the Renaissance? HST3058 Module
Women in Ancient Rome CLS2011 Module
Women Writing the 21st Century ENL9025 Module
Women's Writing and Feminist Theory ENL3002 Module
Work Placement HST3053 Module
Work Placement: American Studies AME3026 Module
Work Placement: Classical Studies Stream CLS3002 Module
World Heritage Management CON2058 Module
Writing for Enterprise - Study Abroad ENL2056 Module
Writing Historical Fiction ENL3083 Module
Writing Narrative ENL1060 Module
Writing Narrative CRW1004 Module
Writing Portfolio ENL2020 Module
Writing Short Fiction ENL2054 Module
Writing Utopia and Dystopia ENL9024 Module

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