Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Academic Study Skills |
MGW2001 |
Module |
Accounting Concepts |
ACC9705 |
Module |
Advanced Business English and Communication |
MOD3337 |
Module |
Advanced Econometrics I |
ECO3001 |
Module |
Advanced Financial Accountancy |
ACC3162 |
Module |
Advanced Financial Management |
FIN3026 |
Module |
Advanced Financial Management (Exempt) |
FIN3039 |
Module |
Advanced Financial Management (Non-Exempt) |
FIN3040M |
Module |
Advanced Financial Reporting (Exempt) |
ACC3174 |
Module |
Advanced Financial Reporting (non-exempt) |
ACC3175 |
Module |
Advanced Macroeconomics |
ECO3010 |
Module |
Advanced Management Accountancy |
ACC3163 |
Module |
Advanced Microeconomics |
ECO3011 |
Module |
Advanced Networking Technology |
ENM2020 |
Module |
Advanced Qualitative Methods |
MGT9727 |
Module |
Advanced Quantitative Methods |
MGT9728 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 2 |
MOD1398 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish Business, Culture and Society 6 |
MOD3343 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish for Business 4 |
MOD2590 |
Module |
Advanced Strategy for Business |
BUS3576 |
Module |
Agile, Lean and Design Thinking |
BUS9731 |
Module |
Aircraft Structural Integrity |
ENM2004 |
Module |
Analysis in a Global Context |
MGS2001 |
Module |
Analytical Techniques for Finance |
FIN9120 |
Module |
Application of Leadership and Management in Practice |
MGS2002 |
Module |
Applied Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
MGT2280 |
Module |
Applied Consumer Behaviour |
MKT9703 |
Module |
Applied Corporate Finance |
FIN9109 |
Module |
Applied Corporate Finance |
ECO9207 |
Module |
Applied Economic Issues |
ECO9214 |
Module |
Applied Research (HRM/HRD |
HRM9033 |
Module |
Arts, Performance and Society |
TOU9128 |
Module |
Assessing financial health |
FIN9112 |
Module |
Audit and Assurance |
ACC2017 |
Module |
Banking and Financial Markets |
FIN9114 |
Module |
Become a Reflective Practitioner |
MGS1001 |
Module |
Becoming a Responsible Business Researcher |
MGT9729 |
Module |
Behavioural Economics |
ECO9220 |
Module |
Behavourial Finance and Economics |
ECO3003 |
Module |
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence |
MKT9707 |
Module |
Bond Markets and Investment Analysis |
FIN9097 |
Module |
Brand Management |
MKT9717 |
Module |
Brand Management |
MKT9206 |
Module |
Budgeting for Business |
FIN2142 |
Module |
Business and Marketing (with Professional Practice) |
Module |
Business And Society |
BUS1806 |
Module |
Business and the European Market |
BUS3158 |
Module |
Business and The Natural Environment |
BUS3036 |
Module |
Business Economics |
ECO9203 |
Module |
Business English and Communication |
MOD2591 |
Module |
Business Environment (Macro) |
ECO2104 |
Module |
Business Environment (Micro) |
ECO1032 |
Module |
Business Ethics in the 21st Century |
BUS3577 |
Module |
Business Law, Governance and Ethics |
ACC1003 |
Module |
Business Leadership for the HR Professional |
HRM9049 |
Module |
Business Logistics in a Digital World |
LOG9703 |
Module |
Business Psycology in Practice |
MGT3276 |
Module |
Business Taxation |
ACC3180 |
Module |
Business Technology and Transformation |
BUS9729 |
Module |
Buyer Behaviour |
MKT2017 |
Module |
Careers And Employability |
MGT2039 |
Module |
Change and Global Tourism Management |
TOU2237 |
Module |
Circular Economy - The Future of the Fashion Industry |
MGT9652 |
Module |
Client Based Project |
TOU2034 |
Module |
Coaching and Mentoring |
MGW3270 |
Module |
Coaching and Mentoring for the HR Practitioner |
HRM9052 |
Module |
Combat Network Radio Systems |
EMW3014 |
Module |
Commercial Bank Management |
FIN9020 |
Module |
Commercial Sports Club Management |
SBM2012 |
Module |
Communications And Navigation Systems |
ENM2002 |
Module |
Communications And Radar Principles |
ENM2007 |
Module |
Community Organisation, Sustainability and Development |
BUS9028 |
Module |
Comparative Human Resource Management |
HRM9039 |
Module |
Competition and Regulation |
ECO2103 |
Module |
Consultancy Project |
MKT3092 |
Module |
Consumer Behaviour |
MKT9117 |
Module |
Consumer Culture |
TOU3010 |
Module |
Contemporary Accounting in Practice |
ACC3173 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Banking |
FIN2138 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Event Management |
TOU3131 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Management |
MGT3020 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in the Visitor Economy |
TOU9170 |
Module |
Contemporary Marketing Management |
MKT9700 |
Module |
Contemporary Research Topics in Economics and Finance |
ECO9202 |
Module |
Core Spanish 2 |
MOD1406 |
Module |
Core Spanish Business, Culture And Society 6 |
MOD3351 |
Module |
Core Spanish for Business 4 |
MOD2604 |
Module |
Corporate Actions and Risk Management |
FIN3041 |
Module |
Corporate and Business Law |
ACC9028 |
Module |
Corporate Communications and Financial Analysis |
FIN9110 |
Module |
Corporate Finance |
FIN9111 |
Module |
Corporate Finance 1 |
FIN9006 |
Module |
Corporate Finance 2 |
FIN9007 |
Module |
Corporate Reputation and PR |
MKT3098 |
Module |
Corporate Reputation and Public Relations |
MKT2020 |
Module |
Creativity And Entrepreneurial Thought |
BUS1025 |
Module |
Crisis Management |
TOU3120 |
Module |
Crisis Management for Hospitality Enterprises |
TOU9171 |
Module |
Critical and Intersecting Issues in Sports Management |
SBM3009 |
Module |
Critical Enquiry Skills |
MGW3265 |
Module |
Critical Industry Insights |
TOU3124 |
Module |
Critical Path Management in the Fashion Industry |
MGT9653 |
Module |
Critical Perspectives on Cultural and Heritage Management |
TOU9155 |
Module |
Cross Cultural Management |
MGT2034 |
Module |
Cultural & Heritage Attractions Management |
TOU2005 |
Module |
Cultural Heritage in the Visitor Economy |
TOU2238 |
Module |
Culture and High Performing Teams |
MGT9724 |
Module |
Current Issues in Governance and Finance |
ACC9020 |
Module |
Current Issues in Governance and Finance |
FIN9021 |
Module |
Customer Service Management |
TOU9162 |
Module |
Data Analytics (ABD) |
ECO1023 |
Module |
Data and Enquiry |
ECO3208 |
Module |
Databases and Email Marketing AI |
MKT9709 |
Module |
DBA Thesis |
MGT9733 |
Module |
Decision Analysis for Managers |
BUS9704 |
Module |
Decision Analysis for Managers |
ECO9040 |
Module |
Decision Analysis for Managers (old) |
BUS9040 |
Module |
Decision-Making and Game Theory |
ECO3101 |
Module |
Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios |
BUS9706 |
Module |
Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios |
BUS9045 |
Module |
Design Thinking for Innovation |
MGT3288 |
Module |
Designing Immersive Visitor Experiences |
TOU2236 |
Module |
Destination Management |
TOU3031 |
Module |
Destination Management: Policy, Planning and Development |
TOU9163 |
Module |
Destination Marketing & Branding |
MKT9209 |
Module |
Developing as a Leader and Manager |
HRW2001 |
Module |
Developing As A Leader And Manager In A Logistics Environment |
LOG2008 |
Module |
Developing Brands Through Advertising |
ADV3014 |
Module |
Developing Collaborative Relationships |
MGT2272 |
Module |
Developing Digital Brands |
MKT9711 |
Module |
Developing Entrepreneurial Capability and Mindset |
BUS9710 |
Module |
Developing Skills for Business Leadership |
HRM9038 |
Module |
Digital Business and Ecommerce |
MKT3093 |
Module |
Digital Business And Innovation |
BUS2047 |
Module |
Digital Business and New Technologies in the Workplace |
MGT2274 |
Module |
Digital Communications in a Business Environment |
MGW3266 |
Module |
Digital Economy and Digital Cultures |
TOU3013 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
MKT9702 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
MKT9118 |
Module |
Digital Marketing Planning and Budgeting |
MKT9708 |
Module |
Digital Surveillance and Reconnaissance Techniques |
EMW3017 |
Module |
Digital Technologies And Skills |
BUS1031 |
Module |
Digital Technologies in Operations |
MGW2002 |
Module |
Digitalisation and Cultures in Tourism, Events and Sports Business Management |
TOU2233 |
Module |
Digitalisation Work and Employment |
MGT1534 |
Module |
Digitising Cultural and Heritage Collections |
TOU9156 |
Module |
Disaster Management |
TOU3119 |
Module |
Disaster Management |
TOU9158 |
Module |
Dissertation |
BUS9036 |
Module |
Dissertation (Business) |
BUS3019 |
Module |
Dissertation (Human Resource Management) |
HRM9030 |
Module |
Dissertation and Research Design for Finance |
FIN9105 |
Module |
Dissertation in Tourism and Sport Business Management |
TOU3028 |
Module |
Ecommerce, Website Design and SEO |
MKT9712 |
Module |
Econometrics: Cross-sectional and Panel Data |
ECO3203 |
Module |
Econometrics: Time Series Data |
ECO3204 |
Module |
Economics of Banking |
ECO3108 |
Module |
Effective Communication |
MGS1002 |
Module |
Effective Leadership |
HRM3109 |
Module |
Employability & Careers |
MGT1027 |
Module |
Employee Engagement and Communications |
HRW3003 |
Module |
Employment Law |
MGW2004 |
Module |
Employment Relations |
HRM9047 |
Module |
Engineering Systems Design |
MGW3271 |
Module |
Engineering Systems Management |
EMW3094 |
Module |
English Business, Culture & Society 1 |
MOD1407 |
Module |
English Business, Culture & Society 2 |
MOD1408 |
Module |
Enterprise and Strategic Analysis in Tourism, Events and Sports |
TOU3032 |
Module |
Enterprise Project - Growing the Business - A&B |
BUS3155 |
Module |
Enterprise Project - Starting the business |
BUS2175 |
Module |
Entrepreneurial Finanace |
FIN3029 |
Module |
Entrepreneurial Marketing |
MKT3003 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship |
BUS3023 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in Tourism, Events and Sports Business Management |
TOU3125 |
Module |
Environmental Management Accountancy and Strategic Thinking |
ACC3178 |
Module |
Environmental Trends and Strategic Marketing |
MKT9715 |
Module |
Ethical Leadership and the Decision Making Process |
MGT9725 |
Module |
Ethics, Sustainability and Responsibility |
MGT2291 |
Module |
European Business Environment |
ECO2106 |
Module |
European Economies and European Integration |
ECO3013 |
Module |
European Integration And Business |
BUS2039 |
Module |
Event Design and Implementation |
TOU9153 |
Module |
Event Design and Production |
TOU2231 |
Module |
Event Management |
SBM2018 |
Module |
Event Management: Principles and Concepts |
TOU1231 |
Module |
Event Operations |
TOU2234 |
Module |
Events and Sustainability |
TOU3009 |
Module |
Evidence-based Decision Making |
HRW3002 |
Module |
Family Business in Practice |
BUS3156 |
Module |
Fashion Buying And Merchandising |
MKT9131 |
Module |
Fashion communication |
MKT9130M |
Module |
Field Course Module |
TOU9164 |
Module |
Final Project |
MKT9713 |
Module |
Finance and Accounting |
ACC9011 |
Module |
Finance and Management |
FIN9107 |
Module |
Finance for Business |
FIN2144 |
Module |
Finance for the Non- Finance Manager |
MGW3267 |
Module |
Financial Accountancy |
ACC2013 |
Module |
Financial Accountancy |
ACC2021 |
Module |
Financial Accounting - Group Reporting |
ACC9005 |
Module |
Financial Accounting - Single Entity |
ACC9021 |
Module |
Financial Analysis and Valuation |
FIN9022 |
Module |
Financial Analysis, Appraisal and Decision Making |
ACC9700 |
Module |
Financial Analysis, Appraisal and Decision Making |
ACC9022 |
Module |
Financial Analysis, Appraisal And Decision Making |
ACC9703 |
Module |
Financial and Sustainable Reporting |
FIN9118 |
Module |
Financial Concepts |
MGT2275 |
Module |
Financial Inquiry and Project Analysis |
FIN9121 |
Module |
Financial Management |
ACC2015 |
Module |
Financial Management (Exempt) |
FIN2017 |
Module |
Financial Management (Non-Exempt) |
FIN2018 |
Module |
Financial Management for Business (1) |
FIN3031 |
Module |
Financial Management for Business (2) |
FIN3032 |
Module |
Financial Markets and Institutions |
FIN2139 |
Module |
Financial Reporting |
ACC2022 |
Module |
Financial Reporting (Non-Exempt) |
ACC2023 |
Module |
Financial Strategy |
FIN3033 |
Module |
Financial Technology |
ECO9208 |
Module |
Financial Technology |
ECO9209 |
Module |
Fixed Income and Wealth Management |
FIN9116 |
Module |
Foreign Investment and Political Economy |
ECO3202 |
Module |
Forensics, Audit & Assurance |
ACC2025 |
Module |
Foundations of Economic Policy |
ECO9004 |
Module |
Foundations Of Macroeconomics |
ECO1030 |
Module |
Foundations Of Microeconomics |
ECO1029 |
Module |
Fraud and Risk Management |
ACC9706 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Econometrics |
ECO2003 |
Module |
Futurology in Tourism, Events, and Sports Business Management |
TOU3122 |
Module |
Global and Local Markets |
MKT2153 |
Module |
Global Case Studies in Tourism, Events and Sports Business Management |
TOU1230 |
Module |
Global Competition and Regulation |
ECO3206 |
Module |
Global Hospitality Management |
TOU9179 |
Module |
Global Leadership |
MGT3039 |
Module |
Global Marketing Strategy |
MKT3022 |
Module |
Global Marketing Strategy |
MKT3088 |
Module |
Global Operations Management |
BUS2501 |
Module |
Global Procurement and Supply Strategy |
LOG9705 |
Module |
Global Project Teams |
BUS9716 |
Module |
Global Project Teams |
BUS9708 |
Module |
Global Relationship Marketing |
MKT9701 |
Module |
Global Relationship Marketing |
MKT9115 |
Module |
Global Strategic Supply Chain Management |
LOG3193 |
Module |
Globally Responsible Leadership |
BUS9723 |
Module |
Governance and Risk Management |
FIN9108 |
Module |
Governance and Risk Management |
FIN9103 |
Module |
Governance And Policy In Sport |
SBM3008 |
Module |
Governance and Risk |
ACC9704 |
Module |
Governance: Finance, Risk, Analytics and Communications |
MGW9001 |
Module |
Group Consultancy Project |
MGT9125 |
Module |
Guided Work-Based Project |
MGT2042 |
Module |
Health and Safety Management |
MGW3272 |
Module |
History of Economic Thought |
ECO2007 |
Module |
Hospitality Operations Management |
TOU9173 |
Module |
Housing Economics |
ECO3008 |
Module |
HRM Professional Impact |
HRW3001 |
Module |
Human Resource in a Global Context |
HRM9700 |
Module |
Human Resource Management |
HRM2105 |
Module |
Human Resource Management (Level 3) |
HRM3108 |
Module |
Human Resource Management for hospitality |
TOU9174 |
Module |
Human Resource Management in a Global Context |
HRM9043 |
Module |
Human Resource Management in the Visitor Economy |
TOU2230 |
Module |
Human Resource Management Within The Organisational Context (RN) |
HRM3011 |
Module |
Human Resource Strategy in a Business Context |
HRM9050 |
Module |
Human Resources in a Global Context |
HRM9704 |
Module |
Humanitarian Logistics |
LOG9026 |
Module |
Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
LOG3198 |
Module |
Independent Learning Skills |
MGT2276 |
Module |
Independent Project - Research |
MGT3290 |
Module |
Independent Research Project |
MGW3262 |
Module |
Independent Study (Econ) |
ECO3200 |
Module |
Independent Study and Research Design |
ECO3205 |
Module |
Individual Project |
ENM2006 |
Module |
Innovation & Entrepreneurial Thinking |
BUS9712 |
Module |
Innovation & Entrepreneurial Thinking |
BUS9060 |
Module |
Innovation and Event Creativity |
TOU9154 |
Module |
Innovation and Value Creation in Global Sport Business |
SBM9000 |
Module |
Innovation Management |
BUS2177 |
Module |
Innovation, Creativity and Change |
MGT2035 |
Module |
Innovations in Finance (Applied Financial Management) |
FIN2019 |
Module |
Integrated Marketing Communications and Stakeholder Engagement |
MKT9716 |
Module |
Integrated Research and Consultancy Project |
MGW9002 |
Module |
Integrating Leadership And Aerospace And Airworthiness Management Experience |
MGW3273 |
Module |
Integrating Leadership And Communication Engineering Management Experience |
MGW3275 |
Module |
Integrating Leadership And Communication Management Experience |
MGW3274 |
Module |
Integrating Leadership and Management Experience |
MGW3263 |
Module |
Integrating Leadership Management and Command Experience |
MGT3280 |
Module |
Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECO2004 |
Module |
Intermediate Microeconomics |
ECO2005 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 2 |
MOD1414 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish For Business 4 |
MOD2602 |
Module |
International Accounting 1 |
ACC2018 |
Module |
International Accounting 2 |
ACC3168 |
Module |
International Economics |
ECO2006 |
Module |
International Entrepreneurship |
BUS9703 |
Module |
International Entrepreneurship |
BUS9024 |
Module |
International Finance Strategy |
FIN3038 |
Module |
International Macroeconomics and Finance |
FIN9026 |
Module |
International Marketing and Customers |
MKT9124 |
Module |
International Marketing Planning |
MKT9705 |
Module |
International Resourcing and Talent Management |
HRM9045 |
Module |
International Trade Analysis |
ECO3109 |
Module |
International Trade and Global Logistics |
LOG2012 |
Module |
Introduction to Business Economics |
ECO1026 |
Module |
Introduction to Academic Study Skills |
MGW1001 |
Module |
Introduction to Accountancy |
ACC1109M |
Module |
Introduction to Accountancy & Finance |
ACC1002 |
Module |
Introduction to Advertising and Digital |
ADV1004 |
Module |
Introduction to Business Finance |
FIN1012 |
Module |
Introduction to Business Law |
ACC1026 |
Module |
Introduction to Engineering Management |
MGT1520 |
Module |
Introduction to Finance (Applied) |
ACC1110M |
Module |
Introduction to Leadership and Management in Practice |
MGS1003 |
Module |
Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
LOG1007 |
Module |
Introduction to Operations Management |
MGW1002 |
Module |
Investment appraisal and financial decision-making |
FIN9113 |
Module |
Investment Banking |
FIN9023 |
Module |
Judgement & Decision Making: Theory And Practice |
BUS2656 |
Module |
Knowledge Management |
MGT2038 |
Module |
Leadership and Development Management |
HRM9029 |
Module |
Leadership and High Performance Teams |
MGT3028 |
Module |
Leadership Development |
MGT9700 |
Module |
Leadership Development |
MGT9707 |
Module |
Leadership Practice |
MGT3289 |
Module |
Leading Across Organisational Networks |
MGT9648 |
Module |
Leading and Developing High Performance Teams |
MGW9003 |
Module |
Leading and Developing People |
MGT9711 |
Module |
Leading Organisational Change |
MGT9712 |
Module |
Leading Organisational Change |
MGT9650 |
Module |
Leading People |
MGW3280 |
Module |
Leading, Managing and Developing People |
HRM9020 |
Module |
Learning and Talent Development |
HRM9025 |
Module |
LIBS International Year Abroad |
MGT2286 |
Module |
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Masters |
FIN9106 |
Module |
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 1 |
FIN1014 |
Module |
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 2 |
FIN2146 |
Module |
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 3 |
FIN3035 |
Module |
Literature Review |
MGT9730 |
Module |
Live Events Management |
TOU3121 |
Module |
Logistics and Operations Strategy |
LOG9702 |
Module |
Logistics Process And Practice (RN) |
LMW3188 |
Module |
Logistics Project Management and Analysis (RAF) |
LMW3184 |
Module |
Logistics Supply Systems (Army) |
LMW3189 |
Module |
Machine Learning Applications in Finance and Economics |
ECO9221 |
Module |
Macro Environment - Global Perspectives |
ECO3207 |
Module |
Macro Environment - Trends and Policies |
ECO2105 |
Module |
Macroeconomic Environment for Business |
ECO2110 |
Module |
Management Accountancy |
ACC2014 |
Module |
Management Accountancy I (Exempt) |
ACC2024 |
Module |
Management Accountancy II (Exempt) |
ACC2026 |
Module |
Management Accountancy II (Non-Exempt) |
ACC2027 |
Module |
Management and Leadership Development |
MGT1519 |
Module |
Management For Engineers |
ENM2005 |
Module |
Management of Business Finance |
FIN1099 |
Module |
Management of Communications Information Systems Networks |
EMW3016 |
Module |
Management of Project and Contract Risk |
BUS9715 |
Module |
Management Science |
ENM2003 |
Module |
Management: Concepts And Practices |
MGT1533 |
Module |
Managerial Accounting 1 |
ACC2019 |
Module |
Managerial Accounting 2 |
ACC3167 |
Module |
Managerial Decision-Making |
MGT9703 |
Module |
Managerial Economics I |
ECO2204 |
Module |
Managerial Finance |
FIN9014 |
Module |
Managing and Developing People |
HRM1102 |
Module |
Managing Business Improvement: Concepts and Techniques |
BUS1805 |
Module |
Managing Distribution Logistics |
LMW3183 |
Module |
Managing Employment Relations |
HRM9701 |
Module |
Managing Employment Relations |
HRM9027 |
Module |
Managing Engineering Systems Risk |
MGW3282 |
Module |
Managing Events, Tourism and Sports Projects |
TOU2037 |
Module |
Managing Humanitarian Logistics |
MGW3269 |
Module |
Managing International Distribution |
LOG3196 |
Module |
Managing Operations |
MGW3268 |
Module |
Managing People |
HRW1001 |
Module |
Managing People |
MGT9115 |
Module |
Managing Projects |
MGW3264 |
Module |
Managing Self and Others |
MGT9726 |
Module |
Managing the Business of Renewable Energy |
MGT3281 |
Module |
Managing the Environment for Tourism and Events |
TOU2028 |
Module |
Managing the Food Supply Chain |
LOG3199 |
Module |
Managing the Tourism, Events and Hospitality Enterprise |
TOU9175 |
Module |
Marketing and Stakeholder Engagement |
MKT9706 |
Module |
Marketing Communications |
MKT3087 |
Module |
Marketing Communications |
MKT9125 |
Module |
Marketing Communications in the Digital Era |
MKT2156 |
Module |
Marketing Management |
MKT9205 |
Module |
Marketing Research Methods |
MKT2143 |
Module |
Mathematics for Economics and Finance |
ECO1002 |
Module |
Mathematics for Economics and Finance I |
ECO1033 |
Module |
Mathematics for Economics and Finance II |
ECO1034 |
Module |
Media Planning for Advertising |
ADV3017 |
Module |
Media Planning for Advertising |
ADV2016 |
Module |
Monetary Theories & Financial Markets |
ACC2020 |
Module |
Money, Banking and Financial Markets |
FIN2141 |
Module |
Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy |
ECO3102 |
Module |
Navigating Uncertainty and Risk |
MGT9077 |
Module |
Negotiated Learning Project |
BUS9062 |
Module |
Negotiated Learning Project |
BUS9713 |
Module |
Negotiated Logistics Learning Project |
LOG3195 |
Module |
Negotiated Work Based Project |
MGT3261 |
Module |
Negotiation |
BUS9057 |
Module |
New Ways Of Managing And Leading |
MGT3287 |
Module |
New Ways Of Working |
MGT2040 |
Module |
TOU9178 |
Module |
Operational Logistics And Supply Chain Management |
MGT2279 |
Module |
Operations and Process Manaement |
LOG9704 |
Module |
Operations Management (A) |
BUS2141 |
Module |
Operations Work- Based Project |
MGW2003 |
Module |
Organisational and Board Effectiveness |
ACC9025 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
MGT1022 |
Module |
Organisational Design and Development |
HRM9705 |
Module |
Organisational Design and Development |
HRM9702 |
Module |
Organisational Leadership and Change |
MGT9646 |
Module |
Organisational Psychology |
MGT9701 |
Module |
Organisational Strategy |
BUS9054 |
Module |
Organisational Strategy and Managing Change |
MGT3260 |
Module |
People and Global Organisations |
MGT9130 |
Module |
People Management and Development |
HRM9051 |
Module |
Performance Management |
HRM9026 |
Module |
Personal Economics |
ECO3103 |
Module |
Personal Effectiveness for Leadership |
MGT1517 |
Module |
Personal Financial Planning |
FIN3025 |
Module |
Personal Investment Planning |
FIN3017 |
Module |
Personal Professional Development |
TOU9166 |
Module |
Personal Taxation |
ACC3179 |
Module |
Philosophy of Management |
MGT3033 |
Module |
Planning and Control Systems |
MGW1003 |
Module |
Planning and Evaluating Event Legacy |
TOU3012 |
Module |
Planning and Practice in the Contemporary Environment |
MGS2003 |
Module |
Policies and Planning for Sport |
SBM3005 |
Module |
Political Systems and International Relations |
BUS3039 |
Module |
Portfolio Analysis |
FIN9010 |
Module |
Portfolio Based Supply Chain and Logistics Project |
LOG9708 |
Module |
Principles of Economics |
ECO1003 |
Module |
Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
MGT1030 |
Module |
Principles of Marketing (A) |
MKT1001 |
Module |
Principles of Microeconomics (ECO1025M) |
ECO1025 |
Module |
Principles of Project Management |
BUS2040 |
Module |
Private Banking and Wealth Management |
FIN9018 |
Module |
Private Banking and Wealth Management |
FIN3030 |
Module |
Procurement and Supply Chain Management |
LOG2010 |
Module |
Procurement Strategy for International Supply Chains |
LOG3194 |
Module |
Professional Inquiry Project |
BUS9705 |
Module |
Professional Inquiry Project |
BUS9719 |
Module |
Professional Inquiry Project |
BUS9720 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
MGT2037 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
TOU9167 |
Module |
Professional Practice (Hospitality Management) |
TOU9177 |
Module |
Progressive Communications Engineering Management |
EMW3095 |
Module |
Progressive Engineering And Airworthiness Management |
EMW3096 |
Module |
Project and Contract Risk Management |
BUS9707 |
Module |
Project and Contract Risk Management |
BUS9044 |
Module |
Project Management & Professional Practice |
MGT2273 |
Module |
Project Management for Events |
TOU2026 |
Module |
Project Planning and Management |
BUS9701 |
Module |
Project Planning and Management |
BUS9726 |
Module |
Project Planning and Management |
BUS9041 |
Module |
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance I |
FIN9027 |
Module |
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance II |
FIN9028 |
Module |
Relational Strategies and Digital Media |
MKT2022 |
Module |
Representations of Management and Organisations in Popular Media |
MGT3031 |
Module |
Research and Consultancy Methods |
BUS2145 |
Module |
Research Design |
MGT9731 |
Module |
Research Methodologies and Methods |
HRM9035 |
Module |
Research Methods |
BUS9721 |
Module |
Research Methods and Design 2019-20 |
BUS9056 |
Module |
Research Methods for Business Psychology |
BUS2657 |
Module |
Research Methods for Tourism, Events and Sport |
TOU2099 |
Module |
Research Philosophy |
MGT9732 |
Module |
Research Project |
BUS2048 |
Module |
Resort Management and Operations |
TOU9180 |
Module |
Risk Management in Banking |
FIN9024 |
Module |
Rural And Regional Entrepreneurship |
BUS3157 |
Module |
Services Marketing and Relationship Strategies |
MKT2115 |
Module |
Short Dissertation |
FIN3036 |
Module |
Short Dissertation (LITERATURE REVIEW) |
FIN3037 |
Module |
Short Term Study Abroad |
TOU2003 |
Module |
Social and Political Perspectives on Tourism |
TOU3098 |
Module |
Social And Sustainability Marketing |
MKT2154 |
Module |
Social Media Marketing and Digital Advertising |
MKT9710 |
Module |
Society, Policy and Ethics in Sport |
SBM9002 |
Module |
Spanish Advanced 1 |
MOD1397 |
Module |
Spanish Advanced 3 |
MOD2589 |
Module |
Spanish Advanced 5 |
MOD3342 |
Module |
Spanish Core 1 |
MOD1405 |
Module |
Spanish Core 3 |
MOD2603 |
Module |
Spanish Core 5 |
MOD3350 |
Module |
Spanish Intermediate 1 |
MOD1413 |
Module |
Spanish Intermediate 3 |
MOD2601 |
Module |
Spirituality in Management |
MGT3029 |
Module |
Sponsorship and Corporate Hospitality |
SBM2017 |
Module |
Sponsorship in Sport and Events |
SBM2021 |
Module |
Sport, Culture and Society |
SBM2020 |
Module |
Sport, Society and Cultural Values |
SBM2007 |
Module |
Sports Business: Principles and Concepts |
SBM1008 |
Module |
Sports Law for Tourism, Events and Sports Managers |
TOU2035 |
Module |
Statistics for Economics & Finance |
ECO1028 |
Module |
Strategic analysis |
MGT9736 |
Module |
Strategic Challenges for International Sports Business |
SBM9001 |
Module |
Strategic change |
MGT9735 |
Module |
Strategic Global Supply Chain Management |
LOG9700 |
Module |
Strategic Innovation Management |
MGW3279 |
Module |
Strategic Leadership |
MGW9004 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BUS2654 |
Module |
Strategic Management Accountancy (Exempt) |
ACC3176 |
Module |
Strategic Management Accountancy (Non-Exempt) |
ACC3177 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing Planning |
MKT2021 |
Module |
Strategic Procurement and Supply Management |
LOG9701 |
Module |
Strategic Project Management |
BUS9730 |
Module |
Strategic Thinking |
ACC9026 |
Module |
Strategy |
MGT3286 |
Module |
Strategy in Context |
MGT9706 |
Module |
Strategy in Practice |
BUS9714 |
Module |
Strategy Making |
BUS9700 |
Module |
Strategy Making |
BUS9048 |
Module |
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (1) |
MKT2157 |
Module |
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (2) |
MKT2158 |
Module |
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (3) |
MKT2159 |
Module |
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (4) |
MKT2160 |
Module |
Study Skills |
MGT1522 |
Module |
Supply Chain Information Management and Big Data |
LOG2013 |
Module |
Supply Chain Strategy & Network Design |
LOG2011 |
Module |
Sustainability and Responsibility in Marketing |
MKT9122 |
Module |
Sustainability Reporting and Business Ethics |
ACC9701 |
Module |
Sustainability Reporting and Business Ethics |
ACC9027 |
Module |
Sustainability Transitions |
MGW9005 |
Module |
Sustainable Business and Innovation |
LOG1008 |
Module |
Sustainable Development |
ECO9225 |
Module |
Sustainable Financial Management |
FIN9119 |
Module |
Sustainable Humanitarian Supply Chains |
LOG9706 |
Module |
Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
LOG3197 |
Module |
Sustainable Organisations |
BUS9718 |
Module |
Taxation |
ACC3165 |
Module |
Team Dynamics |
BUS2658 |
Module |
Teams and Leadership |
MGT9645 |
Module |
The Advertising Process |
ADV2009 |
Module |
The Fashion Industry |
MKT9119 |
Module |
The Future Supply Chain |
LMW3190 |
Module |
The International Business Professional |
BUS1028 |
Module |
The Management Professional |
MGT1025 |
Module |
The Marketing Professional |
MKT1006 |
Module |
The MBA Dissertation Project |
BUS9025 |
Module |
The Multinational Enterprise in Context |
ECO9001 |
Module |
The Responsible Business Professional |
BUS1030 |
Module |
The Visitor Experience at Cultural and Heritage Attractions |
TOU9143 |
Module |
Topics in Macroeconomic Theory |
ECO9216 |
Module |
Topics in Macroeconomic Theory |
ECO9215 |
Module |
Topics in Microeconomics |
ECO9218 |
Module |
Tour Operations Management |
TOU2025 |
Module |
Tourism and Social Justice |
TOU3126 |
Module |
Tourism Management Principles and Concepts |
TOU1017 |
Module |
Tourism, Policy & Development |
TOU3127 |
Module |
Trade And Development |
ECO9007 |
Module |
Trade and International Business |
ECO1027 |
Module |
Understanding the Visitor Experience |
TOU2030 |
Module |
Using Resources in the Organisation |
MGS1004 |
Module |
Valuation and Investments |
FIN9117 |
Module |
Venture Creation |
BUS3020 |
Module |
What is strategy? |
MGT9737 |
Module |
Work and Organisations |
MGT1024 |
Module |