Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Study Skills MGW2001 Module
Accounting Concepts ACC9705 Module
Advanced Business English and Communication MOD3337 Module
Advanced Econometrics I ECO3001 Module
Advanced Financial Accountancy ACC3162 Module
Advanced Financial Management FIN3026 Module
Advanced Financial Management (Exempt) FIN3039 Module
Advanced Financial Management (Non-Exempt) FIN3040M Module
Advanced Financial Reporting (Exempt) ACC3174 Module
Advanced Financial Reporting (non-exempt) ACC3175 Module
Advanced Macroeconomics ECO3010 Module
Advanced Management Accountancy ACC3163 Module
Advanced Microeconomics ECO3011 Module
Advanced Networking Technology ENM2020 Module
Advanced Qualitative Methods MGT9727 Module
Advanced Quantitative Methods MGT9728 Module
Advanced Spanish 2 MOD1398 Module
Advanced Spanish Business, Culture and Society 6 MOD3343 Module
Advanced Spanish for Business 4 MOD2590 Module
Advanced Strategy for Business BUS3576 Module
Agile, Lean and Design Thinking BUS9731 Module
Aircraft Structural Integrity ENM2004 Module
Analysis in a Global Context MGS2001 Module
Analytical Techniques for Finance FIN9120 Module
Application of Leadership and Management in Practice MGS2002 Module
Applied Logistics and Supply Chain Management MGT2280 Module
Applied Consumer Behaviour MKT9703 Module
Applied Corporate Finance FIN9109 Module
Applied Corporate Finance ECO9207 Module
Applied Economic Issues ECO9214 Module
Applied Research (HRM/HRD HRM9033 Module
Arts, Performance and Society TOU9128 Module
Assessing financial health FIN9112 Module
Audit and Assurance ACC2017 Module
Banking and Financial Markets FIN9114 Module
Become a Reflective Practitioner MGS1001 Module
Becoming a Responsible Business Researcher MGT9729 Module
Behavioural Economics ECO9220 Module
Behavourial Finance and Economics ECO3003 Module
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence MKT9707 Module
Bond Markets and Investment Analysis FIN9097 Module
Brand Management MKT9717 Module
Brand Management MKT9206 Module
Budgeting for Business FIN2142 Module
Business and Marketing (with Professional Practice) MKTPRPUB Module
Business And Society BUS1806 Module
Business and the European Market BUS3158 Module
Business and The Natural Environment BUS3036 Module
Business Economics ECO9203 Module
Business English and Communication MOD2591 Module
Business Environment (Macro) ECO2104 Module
Business Environment (Micro) ECO1032 Module
Business Ethics in the 21st Century BUS3577 Module
Business Law, Governance and Ethics ACC1003 Module
Business Leadership for the HR Professional HRM9049 Module
Business Logistics in a Digital World LOG9703 Module
Business Psycology in Practice MGT3276 Module
Business Taxation ACC3180 Module
Business Technology and Transformation BUS9729 Module
Buyer Behaviour MKT2017 Module
Careers And Employability MGT2039 Module
Change and Global Tourism Management TOU2237 Module
Circular Economy - The Future of the Fashion Industry MGT9652 Module
Client Based Project TOU2034 Module
Coaching and Mentoring MGW3270 Module
Coaching and Mentoring for the HR Practitioner HRM9052 Module
Combat Network Radio Systems EMW3014 Module
Commercial Bank Management FIN9020 Module
Commercial Sports Club Management SBM2012 Module
Communications And Navigation Systems ENM2002 Module
Communications And Radar Principles ENM2007 Module
Community Organisation, Sustainability and Development BUS9028 Module
Comparative Human Resource Management HRM9039 Module
Competition and Regulation ECO2103 Module
Consultancy Project MKT3092 Module
Consumer Behaviour MKT9117 Module
Consumer Culture TOU3010 Module
Contemporary Accounting in Practice ACC3173 Module
Contemporary Issues in Banking FIN2138 Module
Contemporary Issues in Event Management TOU3131 Module
Contemporary Issues in Management MGT3020 Module
Contemporary Issues in the Visitor Economy TOU9170 Module
Contemporary Marketing Management MKT9700 Module
Contemporary Research Topics in Economics and Finance ECO9202 Module
Core Spanish 2 MOD1406 Module
Core Spanish Business, Culture And Society 6 MOD3351 Module
Core Spanish for Business 4 MOD2604 Module
Corporate Actions and Risk Management FIN3041 Module
Corporate and Business Law ACC9028 Module
Corporate Communications and Financial Analysis FIN9110 Module
Corporate Finance FIN9111 Module
Corporate Finance 1 FIN9006 Module
Corporate Finance 2 FIN9007 Module
Corporate Reputation and PR MKT3098 Module
Corporate Reputation and Public Relations MKT2020 Module
Creativity And Entrepreneurial Thought BUS1025 Module
Crisis Management TOU3120 Module
Crisis Management for Hospitality Enterprises TOU9171 Module
Critical and Intersecting Issues in Sports Management SBM3009 Module
Critical Enquiry Skills MGW3265 Module
Critical Industry Insights TOU3124 Module
Critical Path Management in the Fashion Industry MGT9653 Module
Critical Perspectives on Cultural and Heritage Management TOU9155 Module
Cross Cultural Management MGT2034 Module
Cultural & Heritage Attractions Management TOU2005 Module
Cultural Heritage in the Visitor Economy TOU2238 Module
Culture and High Performing Teams MGT9724 Module
Current Issues in Governance and Finance ACC9020 Module
Current Issues in Governance and Finance FIN9021 Module
Customer Service Management TOU9162 Module
Data Analytics (ABD) ECO1023 Module
Data and Enquiry ECO3208 Module
Databases and Email Marketing AI MKT9709 Module
DBA Thesis MGT9733 Module
Decision Analysis for Managers BUS9704 Module
Decision Analysis for Managers ECO9040 Module
Decision Analysis for Managers (old) BUS9040 Module
Decision-Making and Game Theory ECO3101 Module
Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios BUS9706 Module
Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios BUS9045 Module
Design Thinking for Innovation MGT3288 Module
Designing Immersive Visitor Experiences TOU2236 Module
Destination Management TOU3031 Module
Destination Management: Policy, Planning and Development TOU9163 Module
Destination Marketing & Branding MKT9209 Module
Developing as a Leader and Manager HRW2001 Module
Developing As A Leader And Manager In A Logistics Environment LOG2008 Module
Developing Brands Through Advertising ADV3014 Module
Developing Collaborative Relationships MGT2272 Module
Developing Digital Brands MKT9711 Module
Developing Entrepreneurial Capability and Mindset BUS9710 Module
Developing Skills for Business Leadership HRM9038 Module
Digital Business and Ecommerce MKT3093 Module
Digital Business And Innovation BUS2047 Module
Digital Business and New Technologies in the Workplace MGT2274 Module
Digital Communications in a Business Environment MGW3266 Module
Digital Economy and Digital Cultures TOU3013 Module
Digital Marketing MKT9702 Module
Digital Marketing MKT9118 Module
Digital Marketing Planning and Budgeting MKT9708 Module
Digital Surveillance and Reconnaissance Techniques EMW3017 Module
Digital Technologies And Skills BUS1031 Module
Digital Technologies in Operations MGW2002 Module
Digitalisation and Cultures in Tourism, Events and Sports Business Management TOU2233 Module
Digitalisation Work and Employment MGT1534 Module
Digitising Cultural and Heritage Collections TOU9156 Module
Disaster Management TOU3119 Module
Disaster Management TOU9158 Module
Dissertation BUS9036 Module
Dissertation (Business) BUS3019 Module
Dissertation (Human Resource Management) HRM9030 Module
Dissertation and Research Design for Finance FIN9105 Module
Dissertation in Tourism and Sport Business Management TOU3028 Module
Ecommerce, Website Design and SEO MKT9712 Module
Econometrics: Cross-sectional and Panel Data ECO3203 Module
Econometrics: Time Series Data ECO3204 Module
Economics of Banking ECO3108 Module
Effective Communication MGS1002 Module
Effective Leadership HRM3109 Module
Employability & Careers MGT1027 Module
Employee Engagement and Communications HRW3003 Module
Employment Law MGW2004 Module
Employment Relations HRM9047 Module
Engineering Systems Design MGW3271 Module
Engineering Systems Management EMW3094 Module
English Business, Culture & Society 1 MOD1407 Module
English Business, Culture & Society 2 MOD1408 Module
Enterprise and Strategic Analysis in Tourism, Events and Sports TOU3032 Module
Enterprise Project - Growing the Business - A&B BUS3155 Module
Enterprise Project - Starting the business BUS2175 Module
Entrepreneurial Finanace FIN3029 Module
Entrepreneurial Marketing MKT3003 Module
Entrepreneurship BUS3023 Module
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in Tourism, Events and Sports Business Management TOU3125 Module
Environmental Management Accountancy and Strategic Thinking ACC3178 Module
Environmental Trends and Strategic Marketing MKT9715 Module
Ethical Leadership and the Decision Making Process MGT9725 Module
Ethics, Sustainability and Responsibility MGT2291 Module
European Business Environment ECO2106 Module
European Economies and European Integration ECO3013 Module
European Integration And Business BUS2039 Module
Event Design and Implementation TOU9153 Module
Event Design and Production TOU2231 Module
Event Management SBM2018 Module
Event Management: Principles and Concepts TOU1231 Module
Event Operations TOU2234 Module
Events and Sustainability TOU3009 Module
Evidence-based Decision Making HRW3002 Module
Family Business in Practice BUS3156 Module
Fashion Buying And Merchandising MKT9131 Module
Fashion communication MKT9130M Module
Field Course Module TOU9164 Module
Final Project MKT9713 Module
Finance and Accounting ACC9011 Module
Finance and Management FIN9107 Module
Finance for Business FIN2144 Module
Finance for the Non- Finance Manager MGW3267 Module
Financial Accountancy ACC2013 Module
Financial Accountancy ACC2021 Module
Financial Accounting - Group Reporting ACC9005 Module
Financial Accounting - Single Entity ACC9021 Module
Financial Analysis and Valuation FIN9022 Module
Financial Analysis, Appraisal and Decision Making ACC9700 Module
Financial Analysis, Appraisal and Decision Making ACC9022 Module
Financial Analysis, Appraisal And Decision Making ACC9703 Module
Financial and Sustainable Reporting FIN9118 Module
Financial Concepts MGT2275 Module
Financial Inquiry and Project Analysis FIN9121 Module
Financial Management ACC2015 Module
Financial Management (Exempt) FIN2017 Module
Financial Management (Non-Exempt) FIN2018 Module
Financial Management for Business (1) FIN3031 Module
Financial Management for Business (2) FIN3032 Module
Financial Markets and Institutions FIN2139 Module
Financial Reporting ACC2022 Module
Financial Reporting (Non-Exempt) ACC2023 Module
Financial Strategy FIN3033 Module
Financial Technology ECO9208 Module
Financial Technology ECO9209 Module
Fixed Income and Wealth Management FIN9116 Module
Foreign Investment and Political Economy ECO3202 Module
Forensics, Audit & Assurance ACC2025 Module
Foundations of Economic Policy ECO9004 Module
Foundations Of Macroeconomics ECO1030 Module
Foundations Of Microeconomics ECO1029 Module
Fraud and Risk Management ACC9706 Module
Fundamentals of Econometrics ECO2003 Module
Futurology in Tourism, Events, and Sports Business Management TOU3122 Module
Global and Local Markets MKT2153 Module
Global Case Studies in Tourism, Events and Sports Business Management TOU1230 Module
Global Competition and Regulation ECO3206 Module
Global Hospitality Management TOU9179 Module
Global Leadership MGT3039 Module
Global Marketing Strategy MKT3022 Module
Global Marketing Strategy MKT3088 Module
Global Operations Management BUS2501 Module
Global Procurement and Supply Strategy LOG9705 Module
Global Project Teams BUS9716 Module
Global Project Teams BUS9708 Module
Global Relationship Marketing MKT9701 Module
Global Relationship Marketing MKT9115 Module
Global Strategic Supply Chain Management LOG3193 Module
Globally Responsible Leadership BUS9723 Module
Governance and Risk Management FIN9108 Module
Governance and Risk Management FIN9103 Module
Governance And Policy In Sport SBM3008 Module
Governance and Risk ACC9704 Module
Governance: Finance, Risk, Analytics and Communications MGW9001 Module
Group Consultancy Project MGT9125 Module
Guided Work-Based Project MGT2042 Module
Health and Safety Management MGW3272 Module
History of Economic Thought ECO2007 Module
Hospitality Operations Management TOU9173 Module
Housing Economics ECO3008 Module
HRM Professional Impact HRW3001 Module
Human Resource in a Global Context HRM9700 Module
Human Resource Management HRM2105 Module
Human Resource Management (Level 3) HRM3108 Module
Human Resource Management for hospitality TOU9174 Module
Human Resource Management in a Global Context HRM9043 Module
Human Resource Management in the Visitor Economy TOU2230 Module
Human Resource Management Within The Organisational Context (RN) HRM3011 Module
Human Resource Strategy in a Business Context HRM9050 Module
Human Resources in a Global Context HRM9704 Module
Humanitarian Logistics LOG9026 Module
Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management LOG3198 Module
Independent Learning Skills MGT2276 Module
Independent Project - Research MGT3290 Module
Independent Research Project MGW3262 Module
Independent Study (Econ) ECO3200 Module
Independent Study and Research Design ECO3205 Module
Individual Project ENM2006 Module
Innovation & Entrepreneurial Thinking BUS9712 Module
Innovation & Entrepreneurial Thinking BUS9060 Module
Innovation and Event Creativity TOU9154 Module
Innovation and Value Creation in Global Sport Business SBM9000 Module
Innovation Management BUS2177 Module
Innovation, Creativity and Change MGT2035 Module
Innovations in Finance (Applied Financial Management) FIN2019 Module
Integrated Marketing Communications and Stakeholder Engagement MKT9716 Module
Integrated Research and Consultancy Project MGW9002 Module
Integrating Leadership And Aerospace And Airworthiness Management Experience MGW3273 Module
Integrating Leadership And Communication Engineering Management Experience MGW3275 Module
Integrating Leadership And Communication Management Experience MGW3274 Module
Integrating Leadership and Management Experience MGW3263 Module
Integrating Leadership Management and Command Experience MGT3280 Module
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO2004 Module
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO2005 Module
Intermediate Spanish 2 MOD1414 Module
Intermediate Spanish For Business 4 MOD2602 Module
International Accounting 1 ACC2018 Module
International Accounting 2 ACC3168 Module
International Economics ECO2006 Module
International Entrepreneurship BUS9703 Module
International Entrepreneurship BUS9024 Module
International Finance Strategy FIN3038 Module
International Macroeconomics and Finance FIN9026 Module
International Marketing and Customers MKT9124 Module
International Marketing Planning MKT9705 Module
International Resourcing and Talent Management HRM9045 Module
International Trade Analysis ECO3109 Module
International Trade and Global Logistics LOG2012 Module
Introduction to Business Economics ECO1026 Module
Introduction to Academic Study Skills MGW1001 Module
Introduction to Accountancy ACC1109M Module
Introduction to Accountancy & Finance ACC1002 Module
Introduction to Advertising and Digital ADV1004 Module
Introduction to Business Finance FIN1012 Module
Introduction to Business Law ACC1026 Module
Introduction to Engineering Management MGT1520 Module
Introduction to Finance (Applied) ACC1110M Module
Introduction to Leadership and Management in Practice MGS1003 Module
Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management LOG1007 Module
Introduction to Operations Management MGW1002 Module
Investment appraisal and financial decision-making FIN9113 Module
Investment Banking FIN9023 Module
Judgement & Decision Making: Theory And Practice BUS2656 Module
Knowledge Management MGT2038 Module
Leadership and Development Management HRM9029 Module
Leadership and High Performance Teams MGT3028 Module
Leadership Development MGT9700 Module
Leadership Development MGT9707 Module
Leadership Practice MGT3289 Module
Leading Across Organisational Networks MGT9648 Module
Leading and Developing High Performance Teams MGW9003 Module
Leading and Developing People MGT9711 Module
Leading Organisational Change MGT9712 Module
Leading Organisational Change MGT9650 Module
Leading People MGW3280 Module
Leading, Managing and Developing People HRM9020 Module
Learning and Talent Development HRM9025 Module
LIBS International Year Abroad MGT2286 Module
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Masters FIN9106 Module
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 1 FIN1014 Module
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 2 FIN2146 Module
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 3 FIN3035 Module
Literature Review MGT9730 Module
Live Events Management TOU3121 Module
Logistics and Operations Strategy LOG9702 Module
Logistics Process And Practice (RN) LMW3188 Module
Logistics Project Management and Analysis (RAF) LMW3184 Module
Logistics Supply Systems (Army) LMW3189 Module
Machine Learning Applications in Finance and Economics ECO9221 Module
Macro Environment - Global Perspectives ECO3207 Module
Macro Environment - Trends and Policies ECO2105 Module
Macroeconomic Environment for Business ECO2110 Module
Management Accountancy ACC2014 Module
Management Accountancy I (Exempt) ACC2024 Module
Management Accountancy II (Exempt) ACC2026 Module
Management Accountancy II (Non-Exempt) ACC2027 Module
Management and Leadership Development MGT1519 Module
Management For Engineers ENM2005 Module
Management of Business Finance FIN1099 Module
Management of Communications Information Systems Networks EMW3016 Module
Management of Project and Contract Risk BUS9715 Module
Management Science ENM2003 Module
Management: Concepts And Practices MGT1533 Module
Managerial Accounting 1 ACC2019 Module
Managerial Accounting 2 ACC3167 Module
Managerial Decision-Making MGT9703 Module
Managerial Economics I ECO2204 Module
Managerial Finance FIN9014 Module
Managing and Developing People HRM1102 Module
Managing Business Improvement: Concepts and Techniques BUS1805 Module
Managing Distribution Logistics LMW3183 Module
Managing Employment Relations HRM9701 Module
Managing Employment Relations HRM9027 Module
Managing Engineering Systems Risk MGW3282 Module
Managing Events, Tourism and Sports Projects TOU2037 Module
Managing Humanitarian Logistics MGW3269 Module
Managing International Distribution LOG3196 Module
Managing Operations MGW3268 Module
Managing People HRW1001 Module
Managing People MGT9115 Module
Managing Projects MGW3264 Module
Managing Self and Others MGT9726 Module
Managing the Business of Renewable Energy MGT3281 Module
Managing the Environment for Tourism and Events TOU2028 Module
Managing the Food Supply Chain LOG3199 Module
Managing the Tourism, Events and Hospitality Enterprise TOU9175 Module
Marketing and Stakeholder Engagement MKT9706 Module
Marketing Communications MKT3087 Module
Marketing Communications MKT9125 Module
Marketing Communications in the Digital Era MKT2156 Module
Marketing Management MKT9205 Module
Marketing Research Methods MKT2143 Module
Mathematics for Economics and Finance ECO1002 Module
Mathematics for Economics and Finance I ECO1033 Module
Mathematics for Economics and Finance II ECO1034 Module
Media Planning for Advertising ADV3017 Module
Media Planning for Advertising ADV2016 Module
Monetary Theories & Financial Markets ACC2020 Module
Money, Banking and Financial Markets FIN2141 Module
Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy ECO3102 Module
Navigating Uncertainty and Risk MGT9077 Module
Negotiated Learning Project BUS9062 Module
Negotiated Learning Project BUS9713 Module
Negotiated Logistics Learning Project LOG3195 Module
Negotiated Work Based Project MGT3261 Module
Negotiation BUS9057 Module
New Ways Of Managing And Leading MGT3287 Module
New Ways Of Working MGT2040 Module
Operational Logistics And Supply Chain Management MGT2279 Module
Operations and Process Manaement LOG9704 Module
Operations Management (A) BUS2141 Module
Operations Work- Based Project MGW2003 Module
Organisational and Board Effectiveness ACC9025 Module
Organisational Behaviour MGT1022 Module
Organisational Design and Development HRM9705 Module
Organisational Design and Development HRM9702 Module
Organisational Leadership and Change MGT9646 Module
Organisational Psychology MGT9701 Module
Organisational Strategy BUS9054 Module
Organisational Strategy and Managing Change MGT3260 Module
People and Global Organisations MGT9130 Module
People Management and Development HRM9051 Module
Performance Management HRM9026 Module
Personal Economics ECO3103 Module
Personal Effectiveness for Leadership MGT1517 Module
Personal Financial Planning FIN3025 Module
Personal Investment Planning FIN3017 Module
Personal Professional Development TOU9166 Module
Personal Taxation ACC3179 Module
Philosophy of Management MGT3033 Module
Planning and Control Systems MGW1003 Module
Planning and Evaluating Event Legacy TOU3012 Module
Planning and Practice in the Contemporary Environment MGS2003 Module
Policies and Planning for Sport SBM3005 Module
Political Systems and International Relations BUS3039 Module
Portfolio Analysis FIN9010 Module
Portfolio Based Supply Chain and Logistics Project LOG9708 Module
Principles of Economics ECO1003 Module
Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management MGT1030 Module
Principles of Marketing (A) MKT1001 Module
Principles of Microeconomics (ECO1025M) ECO1025 Module
Principles of Project Management BUS2040 Module
Private Banking and Wealth Management FIN9018 Module
Private Banking and Wealth Management FIN3030 Module
Procurement and Supply Chain Management LOG2010 Module
Procurement Strategy for International Supply Chains LOG3194 Module
Professional Inquiry Project BUS9705 Module
Professional Inquiry Project BUS9719 Module
Professional Inquiry Project BUS9720 Module
Professional Practice MGT2037 Module
Professional Practice TOU9167 Module
Professional Practice (Hospitality Management) TOU9177 Module
Progressive Communications Engineering Management EMW3095 Module
Progressive Engineering And Airworthiness Management EMW3096 Module
Project and Contract Risk Management BUS9707 Module
Project and Contract Risk Management BUS9044 Module
Project Management & Professional Practice MGT2273 Module
Project Management for Events TOU2026 Module
Project Planning and Management BUS9701 Module
Project Planning and Management BUS9726 Module
Project Planning and Management BUS9041 Module
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance I FIN9027 Module
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance II FIN9028 Module
Relational Strategies and Digital Media MKT2022 Module
Representations of Management and Organisations in Popular Media MGT3031 Module
Research and Consultancy Methods BUS2145 Module
Research Design MGT9731 Module
Research Methodologies and Methods HRM9035 Module
Research Methods BUS9721 Module
Research Methods and Design 2019-20 BUS9056 Module
Research Methods for Business Psychology BUS2657 Module
Research Methods for Tourism, Events and Sport TOU2099 Module
Research Philosophy MGT9732 Module
Research Project BUS2048 Module
Resort Management and Operations TOU9180 Module
Risk Management in Banking FIN9024 Module
Rural And Regional Entrepreneurship BUS3157 Module
Services Marketing and Relationship Strategies MKT2115 Module
Short Dissertation FIN3036 Module
Short Dissertation (LITERATURE REVIEW) FIN3037 Module
Short Term Study Abroad TOU2003 Module
Social and Political Perspectives on Tourism TOU3098 Module
Social And Sustainability Marketing MKT2154 Module
Social Media Marketing and Digital Advertising MKT9710 Module
Society, Policy and Ethics in Sport SBM9002 Module
Spanish Advanced 1 MOD1397 Module
Spanish Advanced 3 MOD2589 Module
Spanish Advanced 5 MOD3342 Module
Spanish Core 1 MOD1405 Module
Spanish Core 3 MOD2603 Module
Spanish Core 5 MOD3350 Module
Spanish Intermediate 1 MOD1413 Module
Spanish Intermediate 3 MOD2601 Module
Spirituality in Management MGT3029 Module
Sponsorship and Corporate Hospitality SBM2017 Module
Sponsorship in Sport and Events SBM2021 Module
Sport, Culture and Society SBM2020 Module
Sport, Society and Cultural Values SBM2007 Module
Sports Business: Principles and Concepts SBM1008 Module
Sports Law for Tourism, Events and Sports Managers TOU2035 Module
Statistics for Economics & Finance ECO1028 Module
Strategic analysis MGT9736 Module
Strategic Challenges for International Sports Business SBM9001 Module
Strategic change MGT9735 Module
Strategic Global Supply Chain Management LOG9700 Module
Strategic Innovation Management MGW3279 Module
Strategic Leadership MGW9004 Module
Strategic Management BUS2654 Module
Strategic Management Accountancy (Exempt) ACC3176 Module
Strategic Management Accountancy (Non-Exempt) ACC3177 Module
Strategic Marketing Planning MKT2021 Module
Strategic Procurement and Supply Management LOG9701 Module
Strategic Project Management BUS9730 Module
Strategic Thinking ACC9026 Module
Strategy MGT3286 Module
Strategy in Context MGT9706 Module
Strategy in Practice BUS9714 Module
Strategy Making BUS9700 Module
Strategy Making BUS9048 Module
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (1) MKT2157 Module
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (2) MKT2158 Module
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (3) MKT2159 Module
Study Abroad Replacement Credit (4) MKT2160 Module
Study Skills MGT1522 Module
Supply Chain Information Management and Big Data LOG2013 Module
Supply Chain Strategy & Network Design LOG2011 Module
Sustainability and Responsibility in Marketing MKT9122 Module
Sustainability Reporting and Business Ethics ACC9701 Module
Sustainability Reporting and Business Ethics ACC9027 Module
Sustainability Transitions MGW9005 Module
Sustainable Business and Innovation LOG1008 Module
Sustainable Development ECO9225 Module
Sustainable Financial Management FIN9119 Module
Sustainable Humanitarian Supply Chains LOG9706 Module
Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management LOG3197 Module
Sustainable Organisations BUS9718 Module
Taxation ACC3165 Module
Team Dynamics BUS2658 Module
Teams and Leadership MGT9645 Module
The Advertising Process ADV2009 Module
The Fashion Industry MKT9119 Module
The Future Supply Chain LMW3190 Module
The International Business Professional BUS1028 Module
The Management Professional MGT1025 Module
The Marketing Professional MKT1006 Module
The MBA Dissertation Project BUS9025 Module
The Multinational Enterprise in Context ECO9001 Module
The Responsible Business Professional BUS1030 Module
The Visitor Experience at Cultural and Heritage Attractions TOU9143 Module
Topics in Macroeconomic Theory ECO9216 Module
Topics in Macroeconomic Theory ECO9215 Module
Topics in Microeconomics ECO9218 Module
Tour Operations Management TOU2025 Module
Tourism and Social Justice TOU3126 Module
Tourism Management Principles and Concepts TOU1017 Module
Tourism, Policy & Development TOU3127 Module
Trade And Development ECO9007 Module
Trade and International Business ECO1027 Module
Understanding the Visitor Experience TOU2030 Module
Using Resources in the Organisation MGS1004 Module
Valuation and Investments FIN9117 Module
Venture Creation BUS3020 Module
What is strategy? MGT9737 Module
Work and Organisations MGT1024 Module

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