Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Law of Obligations LAW9167 Module
Alternative Dispute Resolution LAW3167 Module
Animal Law and Ethics LAW2166 Module
Asylum, Migration and Huma Trafficking LAW9165 Module
Business Law In Practice LAW3159 Module
Child Care Law LAW3164 Module
Civil Litigation LAW3117 Module
Commercial Law LAW2176 Module
Company Law LAW2163 Module
Comparative Penology and Penal Policy LAW9024 Module
Constitutional And Administrative Law LAW1017 Module
Consumer Law LAW3151 Module
Contemporary Media Law LAW3162 Module
Contract Law LAW1009 Module
Corporate Governance LAW9168 Module
Corporate Law And Governance LAW3160 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility LAW9176 Module
Criminal Law LAW2001 Module
Dangerousness, Offenders and Public Protection LAW9180 Module
Dispute Resolution LAW9169 Module
Dissertation (Criminology and Criminal Justice) LAW9022 Module
Dissertation (International Law) LAW9019 Module
Employment Law LAW3077 Module
Employment Law LAW9039 Module
Environmental Law LAW2002 Module
Environmental Law LAW9170 Module
Equity And Trusts LAW3154 Module
EU External Relations Law LAW9178 Module
EU Internal Market Law LAW9012 Module
European Union Law LAW2154 Module
Family Law LAW3073 Module
Finance and Security Law LAW9020 Module
Financial Services Regulation LAW2169 Module
Freedom of Expression LAW2158 Module
Global Issues LAW2173 Module
Green Criminology LAW9023 Module
Human Rights (Law) LAW3152 Module
Human Rights Law LAW9171 Module
Human Rights Law in a Global Context LAW2004 Module
Human Rights Law in the UK LAW2003 Module
Intellectual Property law LAW2005 Module
Intelligence and Security Law LAW2164 Module
International Business Law LAW9177 Module
International Business Law LAW9008 Module
International Corporate Governance LAW9013 Module
International Criminal Justice LAW9015 Module
International Criminal Justice LAW9172 Module
International Dispute Resolution LAW9016 Module
International Economic and Investment Law LAW9017 Module
International Economic and Investment Law LAW9173 Module
International Environmental Law LAW9018 Module
International Human Rights LAW9011 Module
International Investment Law LAW9185 Module
International Law LAW3066 Module
International Law and World Order LAW9179 Module
International Trade Law LAW9184 Module
Introduction to Criminal Justice 1 LAW9025 Module
Introduction to Criminal Justice 2 LAW9027 Module
Jurisprudence LAW2162 Module
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory LAW9174 Module
Land Law LAW2156 Module
Law And Business In The Global Context LAW1020 Module
Law Clinic LAW3155 Module
Law Dissertation LAW3076 Module
Law For Business Dissertation LAW3161 Module
Law for business professional practice LAW2170 Module
Law In Practice LAW3156 Module
Law Of Evidence LAW3075 Module
Law Of Succession LAW3074 Module
Law Of Tort LAW3004 Module
Law Placement LAW3157 Module
Legal Systems And Skills LAW1018 Module
Lincoln Law School Getting Started Site GETTINGSTARTED-LAWW Module
LLM Corporate Social Responsibility LAW9030 Module
LLM Disaster Law: Contemporary Challenges LAW9033 Module
LLM Dissertation (Conflict and Disaster Law) LAW9164 Module
LLM Dissertation (International Corporate and Commercial Law) LAW9031 Module
LLM Dissertation/Final Project LAW9175 Module
LLM Financial Services Regulation LAW9032 Module
LLM International Law and World Order LAW9034 Module
LLM Law of Armed Conflict LAW9036 Module
LLM The Law of Forced Migration LAW9035 Module
LLM Use of Force and International Law LAW9037 Module
Medical Law and Ethics LAW2165 Module
Penology LAW3166 Module
Police Powers LAW2161 Module
Police Powers: National and International Perspectives LAW9026 Module
Researching Social and Political Sciences for Criminology 1 LAW9028 Module
Researching Social and Political Sciences for Criminology 2 LAW9029 Module
Sale Of Goods LAW2159 Module
Study Abroad LAW2168 Module
Tax Law LAW2171 Module
The EU as a Global Actor: EU External Relations Law LAW9160 Module
The Law And Policy Of The World Trade Organisation LAW9162 Module
Tort Law LAW1011 Module
Victims and Violent Crimes 2023-24 LAW9183 Module

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